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Nomination "Cartoon"
Winner - Elena Pisarenko, the work "Dream" vimeo.com/groups/multimatograf/videos/21629007.
Nomination "Music video"
Winner - ShowReel Ltd, the work "RasGILdyay" vimeo.com/groups/multimatograf/videos/21618172.
Nomination "Wild"
Winner - Maxim Luschik, the work "Loop" vimeo.com/groups/multimatograf/videos/21618322.
Nomination "Video art"
Winner - Creative Group "Children of the Sun»", the work "Capital" vimeo.com/groups/multimatograf/videos/2149266.
Special prizes:
Diploma "For the humor" - Dmitry Kozyrev, the cartoon "Perestrakhovschik" vimeo.com/groups/multimatograf/videos/21627804.
Diploma "For harshness" - gsj, the cartoon "Green ducks" vimeo.com/groups/multimatograf/videos/21628628.
Diploma "For the most charming character" - ShowReel Ltd, the video "New Year's cartoon" vimeo.com/groups/multimatograf/videos/21629073.
Diploma "For the right given direction" - gsj, the video "As It Looks" vimeo.com/groups/multimatograf/videos/21627722.
Diploma "For the best cameraman work" - Denis Repin, the music video "Forgive Me Indeed" vimeo.com/groups/multimatograf/videos/21618115.
Diploma "For the quality of the animation work" - Roman Bekha, the music video "Drunken Summer" vimeo.com/groups/multimatograf/videos/21617641.