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Annual international festival of multimedia art

27.04.2013 17:40

To Multimatigraf from hundreds of miles away

To Multimatigraf from hundreds of miles away

As you know some of the artists not only send their works to "Multimatograf" but also come to the festival themselves. Two sisters, Tatiana and Olga Poliektovy from St. Petersburg came to Vologda for the first time. They brought two works to the festival: "Quagga" (cartoon) and "I see you" (video art). By the way last year the girls won the category "Cartoon" with the work "Tomato story."

— We've arrived just yesterday and rushed literally  from the train to the screening. We were late to watch one of our works but still watched another one on the big screen. We've watched other works and there are a lot of really decent ones, especially in the animation genre. But it is very difficult to assess the works, because it is all is a matter of taste. While watching some of them, for example, we applauded delight while the audience kept silence.
In addition to screenings the girls attended some master classes. Two lectures inpressed Tatiana and Olga mostly: the one by American director Mike de Seve and the one by film expert Alena Sycheva. "Generally speaking we meet up a lot of familiar faces here at the festival" —  the participants note.
Tatiana Danilova came to the "Multimatograf" from Vladimir. She brought her short film called "Stone" to the festival. By the way, this film was nominated for the Best Screenplay at the Short Film Fund Festival .
— I came to the "Multimatograf" for the first time and I was not disappointed at all. Here is a special warm atmosphere, everything is fair. So I was interested to take part is the non-profit festival. The "Multimatograf" organization is also at a high level!
Tatiana's profession is journalist, but she was always dreaming to become a filmmaker. She was shooting the reels on social issues, and "Stone" is her first feature film. — "I have noted several interesting works for myself. These are "Orlandina Uber Alles" by Mikhail Chernyak and "Dating site" by Rosalie Murtazova — Tatiana shared her impressions .
By the way this summer she plans to shoot a new film that she will probably send to the tenth "Multimatograph".
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